Before you know it Atlantic City the colder weather will be rolling in, but that doesn’t mean pipe lining contractors work takes a season hiatus! Perma-Liner™ offers pipe lining systems that work all year-round! With systems like Perma-Lateral ™ Lining System, that are available with ambient and heat assisted cures, installs are quick and easy. Many contractors during the winter months use heat assisted equipment for quick cures, to eliminate the time spent waiting on a cure during the bitter cold at job sites. Equipment like the Viper– a steam cure unit,the Maverick II- a hot water cure unit, or even the Stinger mini steam system make cure times less than one hour! These heat assisted units help increase productivity without rushing, and also eliminates downtime. After all, time is money! All units make working easy all year round and are compact units that are easily transported. A Perma-Liner™ Certified Installer was able to cure a liner in only 18 minutes using one of these heat assisted units during last winter! Eighteen minutes! Talk about increased productivity! Atlantic City, call Perma-Liner™ Industries, LLC today to find out more!